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Greenland, Gronsko, dle meho mineni ukazuje nejlepe historicke variace v globalnim klimatu. Okolo roku 1000 n.l. tam bylo pocasi tak teple, ze nerostla jen trava, ale i mensi kere. Vikingove dokonce zacli pestovat i obili, na jizni strane. Pak ale prislo k vyraznemu ochlazeni. Mala doba ledova.
These Icelandic settlements vanished during the 14th and early 15th centuries.The demise of the Western Settlement coincides with a decrease in summer and winter temperatures. A study of North Atlantic seasonal temperature variability during the Little Ice Age showed a significant decrease in maximum summer temperatures beginning in the late 13th century to early 14th century—as much as 6 to 8 °C (11 to 14 °F) lower than modern summer temperatures. The study also found that the lowest winter temperatures of the last 2000 years occurred in the late 14th century and early 15th century. The Eastern Settlement was likely abandoned in the early to mid-15th century, during this cold period.

Existuji i prastare mapy, kde je zemska rozloha Antarctidy znazornena bez ledovych stitu. Zrejme tento kontinent byl v jedne globalni etape bez ledoveho povrchu.
Ledova doba na Sibiri zasahla velmi rychle, zrejme v radu nekolika hodin. Zahynuli mamuti, zaplombovani v ledu se jiste pasli na louce, protoze meli v zaludku svezi rostliny.
Tim minim, ze je Zemekoule mozna v oteplujicim se cyklu, ktery muze, ale nemusi predchazet dobu ledovou….